best shoulder exercises to build lean muscle

Best Shoulder Exercises to Build Lean Muscle

There are several effective shoulder exercises. It is easy to get wrapped into learning and perfecting 20 different shoulder exercise variations to build the ultimate shoulder workout, but forget all that. The best way to build lean muscle and accelerate fat loss is to focus on getting stronger at the core movements.

Below are best shoulder exercises to build lean muscle:

To build muscle in your shoulders, it’s crucial to understand the different heads of the deltoids—the three main muscles of the shoulder.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The dumbbell shoulder press targets the anterior deltoids but also engages the stabilizer muscles. It allows for a greater range of motion and can help correct any strength imbalances between the two sides. Given the fragile state this movement puts your shoulders in, be cautious when increasing weight to avoid injury – THIS REGION IS NOT A QUICK HEALER.

Watch Video – How to do the perfect Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Lateral Raises

Lateral raises target the lateral (side) deltoids, which are responsible for the width and roundness of the shoulders. Hold a pair of dumbbells and raise them to the sides, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows

Watch Video – How to do the perfect Lateral Raise

Bent-Over Lateral Raises

Bent-over lateral raises target the rear deltoids, which are often neglected. Bend over at the waist, keeping your back straight, and raise the dumbbells to the sides while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows

Watch Video – How to do the perfect Bent-Over Lateral Raise

Upright Rows

Upright rows target both the lateral deltoids and the traps. Hold a barbell or a pair of dumbbells and raise them in front of your body, close to your torso, leading with your elbows

Watch Video – How to do the perfect Upright Row

Final Workout Tip:

Font raises are not part of this list and that is by design. You usually hit a good enough amount of the front shoulder (anterior) through chest and shoulder press, so focus more isolation exercises on the 2 other heads.

Remember to continually monitor your progress – both strength and how your shoulder looks visually. As with the other best exercises to build lean muscle, you can start shifting prioritization to specific movements and angles as your shoulder starts to evolve.