stay shredded on vacation

How to Stay Shredded on Vacation

You put in the work to get lean, build muscle and look like a Greek God strutting around the beach club, but how do you make sure your gains are not ruined after day 1 and you stay shredded on vacation?

Tips for staying shredded on vacation

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is not just about packing workout clothes. It also includes identifying when and where you will workout and how you’ll execute the remaining tips. Keep in mind that it can be worth paying a premium for access to a quality gym or anything that can make staying shredded easier – sometimes it can even be more cost beneficial. That’s why planning ahead is important to stay in shape on your trip.

Drink Water

Drink water every opportunity you get. This helps your body continually rid of the high sodium intake you’ll take part in and keeps you hydrated so you’re not tired to do everything else necessary to stay in shape. I recommend bringing a reusable water bottle or purchasing a case of large water bottles and holding yourself accountable to drinking a certain amount a day – at least well over a gallon a day if your trip includes drinking and eating out a lot.

Be More Active Than Normal

Walk instead of taking transportation. Take stairs instead elevators. If you see an option to exert more energy, then take that option. Do this in addition to a daily workout (even if it is running through the best exercises to build lean muscle with no rest) and you’ll be giving your body a higher balance of calories you can consume. I prefer to skip breakfast, workout fasted and have my first meal as late as possible. This ties to how I use intermittent fasting to stay ripped and still eat enjoyably.

Prioritize Protein Intake

Whether you bring protein power (pack it in a ziploc bag) with you or buy individual protein shakes at the local convenient store, get your protein in. If you’re budget allows add extra meat to your meal when possible. Just get some source of good protein for muscles.

Be Present in What You Indulge In

I’m not saying you shouldn’t indulge on your vacation, but if staying shredded is important to you, then there have to be sacrifices. Be present in your indulges. If you know you’re going to be having a good fatty meal with dessert at dinner, then is the generic coffee store croissant on your morning coffee run necessary?

Don’t Stress

This was the hardest tip for me to conquer, but if you put in the work and plan ahead then you can’t ruin your shredded physique over a couple days of poor nutrition and workouts.

Remember, vacations are meant to be enjoyed, so finding a balance between staying on track and indulging a little is key. Enjoy your time off, relax, and don’t stress too much about maintaining perfection. It’s important to be kind to yourself and enjoy the experience. Use these tips I shared above to help stay shredded on vacation.